Indigenous Education


Grande Yellowhead Public School Division is a welcoming place for peoples from around the world.  We acknowledge that this land includes Treaty 6 and Treaty 8 Territories, and is a traditional meeting ground, gathering place, traveling route, and home for many Indigenous peoples, Metis, and Inuit. 

Our Division is proud to work collaboratively with a number of partners to ensure that Indigenous perspectives are appropriately included in all programs of study offered in our schools.

Some of these partnerships include Alberta Education, local Friendship Centers, Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium, parents, teachers, Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers, community members, post-secondary institutions, the Palisades Stewardship Education Centre in Jasper National Park, the Aseniwuche Winewak Nation of Canada, and many other community stakeholders and organizations.

This collaboration is to assist our teachers in learning more about the history and the legacy of Residential Schools, the Treaties, and the history of Indigenous peoples in order to better meet the needs of Indigenous and Metis students.

GYPSD Programs Include:

GYPSD believes that every student is capable of learning at high levels.

Every student is unique and will chart their own pathway to achieve their goals.  Indigenous students experience greater success as engaged participants when learning is authentic and connected to their personal values, world views, and ways of knowing.

One of Grande Yellowhead’s priorities is ensuring the success of our Indigenous students in alignment with the goals of Alberta Education and their support for Indigenous students. Our schools strive to create welcoming, respectful, safe, and caring, learning environments where all students can thrive.

Archived Indigenous Pathways' Newsletter 2021 to 2023

Educational Videos

For further information, please contact:

Terri Miluch - Teacher Consultant 
Phone: 780-723-4471

Email Terri