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June 11: Wildfire Update

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Diploma Exams in Edson scheduled for the beginning of this week - June 12 - 14th - are canceled due to the current wildfire evacuation in this area. Students may use their teacher-awarded mark as their course final; however, if a student does want to write a diploma exam, they can arrange to do so during the August exam sitting. Information on alternate exam writing options will be coming once we are back in school.

PATS for grade 6 and 9 students scheduled this week are also canceled in schools in Edson, Fulham, and Niton Junction.

All students are reminded to access their Google Classroom and communicate with their teachers for opportunities to complete outstanding assignments, review past assignments, read, practice math, and request access to course resources available in the HAPARA platform.

Additionally, students and teachers can request access to alternate school spaces in schools in Evansburg, Hinton, Jasper, or Grande Cache. Please contact your principal to make arrangements.

Please take care and stay safe.

DIPLOMA EXAMS UPDATE June 8: Wildfire Update